Where in The World Am I....a series of Scratch and Sniff Multi-Sensory Books with sniff clues about where in the world Higgins is traveling. Twelve sniff clues to  the mystery geographic location. Which Ball Park is Higgins in..?
Fun and Adventure  Book Series
7x9, 32 pages,  $24.95
by Michael Dean

Where in the World AM I ...Books are fun and smell great! Can you guess the mystery location by smelling clues?  Each book has clues about different places, locations and things.

Where in the World AM I
Scratch and Sniff Learning books:

Sniff Dog Books
Sniff Around Central Park
Sniff Around San Francisco
Sniff Around the World

Sniff People Books
What's on the Farm Book-
Where Am I #1
Where Am I #2
Where Am I #3

You must solve the " location mystery with the smells in the book"
Sniff Around The Ball Park...
A delightful story about the smell of baseball.
Michael Dean

he smell of hot dogs floats thru the air.
Popcorn and peanuts make thirsty I swear!
Ball one strike two, the umpire yells
My brand new glove really smells swell!

This park is known for a special treat..
Can smell where I'm at...
Can you tell which seat?

George built this place and the Bambino played here... 

Can you smell the ------ while the crowds full of cheer!

Where in The World is Higgins? What is the smell on this page?
Sniff Publishing Inc
Sniff Around The Ball Park
Michael Dean Fall 2017
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